Happening NOW! - Summer clearance on the paperback and hardcover version of my book, "Running for the Average Joe."
I have a limited number of paperback and hardcover copies left in my store room and I need to clear them out! If you've been wanting to buy a copy of this award winning book, now is the time! Ranked as a Top 100 book in the "Running", "Fitness" and "Marathon" catagories, by BookAuthority.org. This book is loaded with information on nutrition, cross-training, exercise, psychology, physiology and even a special chapter for women runners.
Includes Basic, Intermediate and Advanced training plans from 5k to marathon distances and shows you how to succeed at any level with my Seven Step Macrocycle program. I'll tell you how I went from 6 hour marathons to sub-3 hour marathons at the age of 51.
Paperback: $5.99 (Amazon's price: $29.95)
Hardcover: $10.99 (Amazon's price: $39.95)
Of course, I'm always happy to sign a personalized copy for you or another runner. Buy now and get a FREE copy of the eBook to store on your phone, tablet or computer. A download link is provided when you purchase a printed copy.
I only have a couple dozen copies in stock, so act soon! They'll be gone in a flash!
(Hint: Father's day is coming up.)
Click here to buy your copy today!