"My days running on the Colorado Trail have been nothing short of extraordinary. I've found that the trail has a heartbeat of its own. I was able to see, feel, smell and hear the trail as she told me stories from years gone by. I BECAME part of the trail and was at her mercy as she told me when, where and how I could move. And every once in awhile, she allowed me small victories so I could tell my own version of the story...."
- from the journal of Bill Watts July, 2017
Thanks to my Uncle Norm and Aunt Yvonne for allowing me to share Steve's wonderful music in this video. He touched so many lives and I listened to his music almost every day on the trail. It gave me peace then, and still does today.
My run of the Colorado Trail in 2017
What drives a man to run across the United States? Is it the competitive nature of the human spirit, or does he run simply because he can?
Maybe it's a little bit of both.
What drives you? As individuals, we all have different reasons to try running.
Challenge yourself. Find your reason to run.
Ultra runner Marshall Ulrich in his run across America
Ask yourself - why would I want to run? We know where and how to run. We know what to do when we run. Who, what, where, when, how - easy questions. But WHY do we run, why SHOULD we run. Take a look at these videos and see why others run.
Ask yourself why
Many of us find reasons to run, but many more of us find excuses not to run. It's a choice for many of us, but for Team Hoyt, it's a must and a way of life. A way to live. Check out Dick and Rick's video and run inspired!
Ask yourself why NOT
In Chapter 5 - Running Psychology, we take an in-depth look at the reasons why we run. The book, "Running for the Average Joe" isn't a book about running. It's a book about WHY we run. What's your reason? It's in you, you just have to find it! RUN!
What are your limits?
I've set up many links on this site, pointing to other resources that can help you attain your goal, whether it's for health or other reasons. Of course, you'll find plenty of resources right here on this website, including my new book - "Running for the Average Joe." You can download custom training plans to help you along your journey to your first 5K race, and all the way up to the marathon distance. So stay awhile, look around. Preview the book and read my blog. And ask yourself: "Am I a runner?"
Are you a runner?
At some point in your life you may ask yourself this very question. The fact is, you won't really know until you try. I never really thought of myself as a runner, or even a good athlete. But, when my health spiraled downward in 2001, I asked myself this question, and even though I didn't realize it at that time, I soon found out that I was a runner. This website is dedicated to runners of any skill level, to help them realize their individual or common goals.
Trail running in Canada
Podcast prior to my run of the Colorado Trail in 2017